I decided to go against my original chemical judgment and decided to try out the Jasco. I bought a gallon and applied it to the sides of the boat. I really like the product, you need to be very careful with it. I did my best not to touch it but when I did it chewed up my gloves. I need to invest in some really good rubber gloves if I use this stuff again.
It took about an hour for it to kick. I was able to remove 4 layers of paint with just a scraper. From what I can see, there are only 2 or 3 layers of paint left on the sides. I should be able to knock this down using 40 and 80 grit. The tough spots will come off with paint thinner.
I was very impressed with how well the Jasco handles old varnish. I applied a couple of layers to the transom and in about 30 minutes I was able to wipe it clean. Very nice. I am not trying to do a rush job on the boat, but this is just smarter than wearing out my arms for no good reason. Here are some before and after shots of the transom.
I will be back at it again next weekend. I am really enjoying the project and each
Jill and I have been very busy. We recently welcomed a new addition to the family. A 5 month old Rhodesian Ridgeback / Mastiff mix named Lucy. She is great and she will soon become a fixture during boat work days. Jill and I are also competing in frostbite sailing at Chicago Yacht Club. Yesterday was a fun day on the water even though we busted our jib sheet.
Here is a picture I took of Lucy a week ago at the harbor.